In article <y6u31xr16o.fsf at>, Craig Burley
<burley at> wrote:
>postmaster at (Warrl kyree Tale'sedrin) writes:
>>> The United States was, among industrialized nations, about the LAST to
>> eliminate slavery.
>>I don't have much knowledge about this, so: what nations were
>considered industrialized at that time, and to what extent did
>each undertake the sort of nation-wide building of vast
>infrastructure that the USA undertook (and which apparently
>contributed to its subsequent military might) over the next
>150 years?
By 1865? Britain, certainly. And it was Britain (spurred on by William
Wilberforce) that abolished the international slave trade in the 1820s.
Britain was the world-leading example in the abolition of slavery. The US
followed later than most others, and by the time it was in a position to
set an example slavery was confined to a few notably barbarous backwaters.
Brett Evill
To reply by e-mail, remove 'spamblocker.' from <b.evill at>