Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Brett Evill b.evill at spamblocker.tyndale.apana.org.au
Mon Sep 28 09:37:20 EST 1998

In article <KETIL-87n27khajg.fsf at tosca.infotek.no>, Ketil Z Malde
<ketil at ii.uib.no> wrote:

>b.evill at spamblocker.tyndale.apana.org.au (Brett Evill) writes:
>>> If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
>> "If I have seen further than others, it is because I stood on the
>> SHOULDERS of giants." (Newton, referring to Kepler and Galileo. Emphasis
>> added.)
>Oh, dear me, you mean I got it all wrong?

No, that you are doing it wrong. If your nose runs and your feet smell,
try standing on your head.

Brett Evill

To reply by e-mail, remove 'spamblocker.' from <b.evill at spamblocker.tyndale.apana.org.au>

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