Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Matthias Warkus mawarkus at t-online.de
Mon Sep 28 09:43:13 EST 1998

Paul Hsieh schrieb:
> > But, to pick someone who has undertaken a similar effort, that
> > started out solo, long-considered impossible, and has turned into
> > a vast effort by picking the right "friends" and managing the
> > project successfully, to the point where the "impossible" has been
> > achieved and is now having an impact beyond all predictions, how
> > about:
> >
> >   Linus Torvalds
> Good choice.  I'd rank him pretty high.  Unfortunately, we still have to
> sit back and see exactly what the fruits of his labor will bring.  I'm
> afraid we'll have wait 'till the next millenium before we can pronounce
> judgement. (For example, suppose IBM get off its ass and publishes the
> source to OS/2 and beefs up its Windows compatibility, and people adopt
> it ... it could spell good night for Linux.
Dream on...
OS/2 is of course not as brain damaged as Windows & Cie., but it is more brain
damaged than Unix AFAIK. It could never replace Linux or the free BSDs in their
niche as free Unix clones.

> > (Of course, Richard Stallman might deserve to be mentioned as well.)
> Well, IMHO, Stallman has already played out his hand, and while its a
> good hand, its not quite earth shattering.
I don't think so. Whatever fuss ESR is making, RMS still is important as the
mastermind of GNU. And whatever the Open Sourcers ramble about GNU purism and
stuff, without the GNU project, Open Source would be nothing.

BTW, I want GNU to rule again. I don't like Open Source(TM).


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Version: 3.12
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