Tony Griffiths schrieb:
>> Brett Evill wrote:
> >
> > In article <360d9538.613536 at>, junkmail at (Alberto
> > Moreira) wrote:
> >
> > >There has been no event that was more influential to so many people as
> > >the American Revolution.
> >
> > Only an American could say that. It looms large in your world, mate.
> I'd agree with above, having visited the 'States' 7-8 times and lived there
> for a 3 month period fairly recently. Most studies (eg. National Geographic)
> give US citizens the lowest ranking of any OECD country when it comes to
> general knowledge of the world, and an extraordinary percentage (>10%) of one
> study sample could not even identify the USA on a map of the planet!
> Also, the Australian parliment (Reps + Senate) is an amalgm of the Commons
> for the lower house with the Senate structured on the US model. The
> Australian High Court is also structured on the US Supreme Court model and
> has similar powers. The people who developed the Aussie constitution
> certainly picked over the US one in fine detail!
So did those who developed the German one.
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