Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Joe Cosby joecosby at mixqam.seatac.net
Sun Sep 27 05:33:26 EST 1998

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On Sun, 27 Sep 1998 06:28:55 GMT, Beast of Bourbon wrote about Re: Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium:
> My list of nominees, marked by glaring omissions and ridiculous inclusions <g>:


> Bronze: Jefferson
> Silver: Newton
> Gold: da Vinci
> This wasn't easy...

Maybe my history is weak, I don't really know all that
much about the life of da Vinci.

But did he really have any -effect- on the world around

He has always seemed to be a fascinating genius, and to
embody the knowledge of his time, but did anything he
did ever lead to other things in turn?

He strikes me as a synthecist;  making fascinating
-applications- of knowledge as it existed in his time,
but he doesn't seem to have really advanced anything
-novel-, at least not in any influential way.

Kind of an ideal hero for Bill Gates, now that I
think about it...
Joe Cosby

Devout member of the Church of Amiga since 1990

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it" - Goethe

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