Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Alberto Moreira junkmail at moreira.mv.com
Sat Sep 26 20:32:30 EST 1998

Also sprach larryc at teleport.com (Larry Caldwell) :

>In article <6u6qrt$gsp$1 at news.indy.net>, d9090 at indy.net says...
>> Issac Newton.   (that from a Shakespeare and huge Beethovan fan.)
>No question.
>For first runner up, I would pick James Clerk Maxwell.

There has been no event that was more influential to so many people as
the American Revolution. So, pick any of them: Jay, Madison, Hamilton,
Jefferson, one of the Adamses; or pick them all together: the men of
the millenium. And if you're worried about sexism, you can add Abigail
Adams to the group.

That's the way I see it; I don't think any event in science can match
the depth and reach of the American Revolution.


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