Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Bernd Paysan bernd.paysan at gmx.de
Fri Sep 25 18:18:58 EST 1998

Maynard Handley wrote:
> For better or worse, most of the significant change of this millenium has
> been caused by white european males. How do you plan to deny this?

Well, european males were only important in the second half of this
millenium. I would strongly suggest that no european tyrant was in any
coparable order as that of Ghengis Khan, or did anything that important
or influental. He created a world empire lasting for several centuries,
opened that to the west (letting people like Marco Polo in and back, and
write books about the far east). Both the discovery of Amerika (with
Columbus searching for "El Dorado") and the starting downfall of the
chinese empire two hundret years later are an effect of his actions.

Bernd Paysan
"Late answers are wrong answers!"

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