Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Joe Cosby joecosby at medbyg.seatac.net
Sat Sep 26 14:57:42 EST 1998

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On Sat, 26 Sep 1998 03:26:51 -0700, Paul Hsieh wrote about Re: Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium:
> juola at mathcs.duq.edu says...
> > Peter da Silva <peter at baileynm.com> wrote:


> > [...] Give credit to the guy that
> > invented the periodic table and discovered the holes for her
> > to fill....
> You want to give credit for someone discoverying a "classification 
> system"?  Sheesh ... !


The effects of the periodic table were somewhat accidental, but they
were profound.  Most of what we would come to know about atomic
structure, and -why- elements react to each other the way they do,
came from trying to make sense of -why- the patterns in the
periodic table occur the way they do.

I think most of relatively modern science, and our modern ability
to precisely control chemical reactions, traces back to the
discovery of the periodic table as their root.

Joe Cosby

Devout member of the Church of Amiga since 1990

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it" - Goethe

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