Acid Pope II to Yourney(wo)men into The Temple Of The Mind

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Sep 24 19:31:41 EST 1998

Acid Pope II

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This is likely to  be an ongoing post, that might take me more than a
day to write it.

To not interrupt. 
This is crossposted to several rooms.
That does not mean  I check them all
all the time.
So not answering does not  mean ignoring.


In bionet.neuroscience and some other rooms I gave out an instruction
how to go akashasurfing with other people in each other's brain or
outside, and how to segregate the "I"-areas of the rest and go

As an akasha and brainsurfer  you leave the levels of LSD
apprenticeship and enter  yourney(wo)man  levels.

As LSD yourney(wo)man can akasha-link with fair sector precision, a
lot of data from there on is exchanged and traded the old magical way.

People from the other magical branches tend to lack sector precision,
but I have  noticed that drugs like mes and shrooms do not
sector-segregate to the extend LSD does.
However they are usually quick in the uptake.

Might take them several session though, to find sector orientation in
the brain, but if you highlight them for them, or stick a brain map in
front of them and say "aim there in your head" they will usually get
how to make you pathways there and you can transcopy.

I recommend doing so with very different brains.

I have noticed that people with black skins and some others very
different in structure to me are seeming to have many ranges, that are
odd for me but seem natural for them.

I do not exclude that the  magic of different cultures might be
influenced by that.

There is master in LSD I know of, and I'd say as yourney(wo)man to
travel the world and learn from the trades, that might take you till
the rest of your life anyway.

LSD being a tripping drug, I do not even think it should be one, where
"hypothalamus-titles" like masters are.

A teacher should always be a student.

We are one of the youngest branches, your results are welcome.

LSD is very new and  has  been explored little.

LSD teachers as a branch to me seem to  be closest to German magicians
and American shamans.
India, Australia, some other islands and other places sure have hell
of an  intersting load of data there as well...

As a very new branch a lot can be learned  from  the others.

Remember as a yourney(wo)man, that this is the age where the magical
data of Earth is flowing together, but the secrecy laws maybe of many
magical  powers just given to the balanced is broken.

I heard from Tensegrety that  Carlos Castaneda was criticized from
many  magic groups of Earth for hammering out data about sorcery like

but I for one am glad that I got it, 

and do more believe that the education system of Earth should be
altered to that the children of Earth  are the children of all and
possessions of  themselves and get taught as prime teachings to think
into others, imitate, akashasurf, and heed symbol of Lucifer the angel
of Light/Energy, who created without watching if what he created was
in balance with the rest, the symbol of evil.

Magically expressed maybe the moral of not disturbing other's vibes
for egocentric reasons should be taught world wide,
and that  many different  individuals and  cultures are better 
than just one single path that is more likely to  go wrong.

Most different programmings worked out in thousands of years of tribes
over  Earth of the axon grids of the human babies should remain the
treasuries of Earth.

Shalom aleikum

Acid Pope II

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