>>ACID Pope II
>>>>>>(Remember, no hitting the RE button to this or any of my res to this
>>one, it is meant to be a sequence.
>>>>Pick other titles for REs in case you want to make one.)
>>>>>>(Didn't watch spelling much.)
Within multiple scerosis from what I understood myelin sheeths are
I have been wondering what effects it would have if an according
brain's cholinergic I areas were to decide to mainly run on very old
settings and use a lot of the magical "field-transfers" in the brain
(& towards the body), that might be ways older than the long-distance
axon ones.
Anyone ever been seriously trying?
Also been wondering how dangerous it would be to keep mindlinking a
lot, say if you were a friend of the same sex and would want to give
the other brain options to run linked with less damaged structures.
As mentioned, anyone experimenting there, I'd be rather intersted in
the outcomes.