Acid Pope II, addressing interested students concerning THE TEMPLE OF THE MIND

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Sep 24 15:07:45 EST 1998


(Too lazy  to bother with much with spelling tonight)

LSD Brainsurfing

(Just some areas, might  not work for all)

Amount: If the amount where the  pupils reach full size after about 1
1/2 - 2 h would be = f1,
the amount is minimum just a bit  more than f1, maximum a bit below
(After that concentration tends to get hindered too much and
hallucinating might become hard to keep out.)

If you can  organize a tape recorder where you can run two tapes at
once, do so.
No hard beats, more sorft music with good stereo effects.

Personally there is a tape from Cosmic Baby (some song I don't like on
it, as he  mixes whales and music, for me "overlaying wrong
emotions") and Rondo Veneziano.
Whale and dolphin "waves" combined in might have  rather intersting,
effects, too (also when experimenting with magic).

After about 20 minutes (after taking LSD):


If you are right handed, start with the weaker brainhalf, the right
-  Hold your hand behind the right ear, so that the thumb and index
finger are touching the head, the hand cupped a bit.
Start making different shapes with the hand, like with a horse or more
round, imitating different mammals.
Than focus it to the right box of the tape-player, so that you can
hear the  music reflected  just in your right palm.
Blend out the tapereecorder, until you have it "running only in your
Do so for at least 7-15 minutes.

- Then do the same with the left ear, left cupped hand, left

- Then do so woth both, left ear listen to most left sound(s), right
one  to most right, just the reflections in the hand, blending out all
the middle sounds (and still the entire loudspeakers, just reflections
of tones in cupped hands).

When you have the impression, that yhour brain-halves start working so
differently, that it is not good anymore, "take in the whole
stereo-tonewall evenly" and (eyes  still  closed) go closer with your
hands to your ears, imagineing that the soundwall is  coming into you.

Keep repeating until you have it working.

Once it is in, pay attention to keep the tones most to both sides in
main focus, taking in the middles less centered.

Make that they all run evenly.

Practice a looong time, until they stay inside and it becomes easier.

Then transit them into little colouored points, but DON"T go for

Observe "your  own watching position".

(Later compare (front)  cingulate areas of the brain.)

- If you have a partner, trained in this, too,
both do so, then have sex together, and make the signals coming from
the body also go into coloured points in that sector.


One of the neatest endorphin-hammers I know, by the way.

To magicians:
(Wave signals above the own inner nose...)

Turn on whale music or dolphins or  both at once.
Go to the same setting, let the tones run through there.

Maybe from the left, through your head, reflected at the wall to the

If you are akasha-surfing with another magician you can also do that
exercise brain-linked.

In later enlightenment stages it can help orientation inside the
brain, when energies are channelling though your systems and yours
through them.


unless maybe with someone real experienced and reliable in this along.

Also some might just work for MBD people. 


Maybe after having some music run in cingulate, pick music that is
connected with  high, negative emotions for you, due to connecting
something with it.
Then start a little list of what were the worst events in your life,
and sort them by  order of "worseness".

When stuff comes up of which you do not know why it is there, ask WHY.
It make make boom! then on unnaturally high hightes, and then tends to
come interesting data.
DON'T analyze!!! The area which is like a front computer in the front
of the head is too off-line for that anyway.

You can do that when you are sober again.

Just collect the "answers" and then ask "why" for each of them.

Eventually you should come to an area without light or tone, feeling
like having landed in your emotional center, where you can go "why"ing
all you want, and  it does not go on.

I do not know how that works with males,
with females however you are likely to have  landed in your
basolateral amygdala.

Try  to remember that place.
Stay in it as long as you can.

Don't mess balances up in there in this artificial stage, or you might
fubar your life.

Then sort of withdraw slightly out.
Watch the emotions that are coming then.
With females it should be those of eg.2 that I mentioned in a previos
text, then eg. 3  coming with quite some delay.

Being rather curious I once gave testosterone a shot and it went much
more rapidly to eg.3


Keep infeeding emotional questions about yourself.

When the answers come, don't behave like some Westie-Psycho-Baby,
but check out whcih sector is doing what, interconnections and
estimate the historic time the according emotional programs are from.

Eg.3 programs might have altered function and interreact with eg.1
Watch that if you can.

In the times where I could still go brainsurfing, if found that one of
THE shows in the brain.

When you managed going eg.1-2-3 and out,
eg.1-2-3 and out,
eventually you can discern and segregate between them and yourself and
just be yourself.


Miss that.

Rather Spockish.

And the base for brainsurfing,
as the other areas beome  place you targed from there.

Heed their balances.

If you mess yourself up for real in this exercise, e-mail me.

By the way, this was about one of the most dangerous things you can do
in your life.

But fascinating.

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