Budding neurologist

K C Cheng kccheng at postoffice.idirect.com
Fri Sep 25 18:52:34 EST 1998

Walter Eric Johnson wrote:
> =

> K C Cheng (kccheng at postoffice.idirect.com) wrote:
> : > From your web page:
> : >   Sample pages illustrating the direct transmission of electrons
> : >   from peripheral receptor potentials (electrons generated at
> : >   the site of peripheral stimulation are directly transported)
> : >   along the nerve pathways all the way up into the central
> : >   sensorineurons, thus preserving the electromagnetic information
> : >   in a stimulus-specific fashion for sensation and memory
> : >   formation.
> : > =
> :
> =

> :
>: =

> :

> : > I guess a cartoonist might be tempted to use it to portray
> : > the lunacy of a cartoon character who pompously spews forth
> : > volumes of nonsense and is mistakenly convinced that someone
> : > is listening.
> : > =
> :
> : > Hmmm.  Are you a cartoon character?
>What if I am real?  Is that your imagination or reality?

> : I never said memory stored as electrons.
> =

> You didn't?  Just what did that first quote mean, then?
The last part of it:  thus preserving the electromagnetic information
> : >   in a stimulus-specific fashion for sensation and memory
> : >   formation." =

> : Instead, they are taken in and
> : stored as stimulus-specific electromagnetic particles.
> =

> Sometimes electrons, sometimes photons, ... ?
> =

> For what it's worth, there is no such thing as a stationary photon.
Why should photons remain photons in the speeding form?  Can't they
become stationary electromagnetic particles on being stopped and be
taken into electrons?   In fact, this is the basis of photoelectricity
proven by Einstein.  When travelling photons are teken into electrons of
a metal,  an electric current arises carrying the photonic
electromagnetic particles inside them.  How else could they have become
so activated into flowing free electrons?   This also occurs in the
nervous system.   If photons can become stationary inclusions in the
electrons of photoelectricity, why can't they become the same in the
nervous system? =

As I said, I welcome questions of this nature.  However, please do not
jump to conclusions before reading all of my writings.  =

Memory being electromagnetic particles is rather difficult to accept.
That's because it's difficult to prove.  That's why it has taken me 20
volumes to make it so convincing that one can see  them go in, and see
them come out.  This is particularly so the case in my video,   about
13~14 hours, that I am completing.
Of course, I can't put 13 hours of video on the web.  Those of you who
are skeptical enough would have a chance to see the whole thing next
January on its world-wide release.  I understand that people would not
wish to shell out  $125 for something they could not be sure of its
absolute value. So, maybe you all should consider having some people out
there doing a comprehensive assessment and tell you that  it's more than
your money's worth. =

As I said, I welcome questions on why you think I maybe wrong.  I'll
answer them if  it's short and simple. But, otherwise, if you want the
whole proof, you'll have to buy my videos.  I can refund you academics
if you're not satisfied that it's proven beyond the slightest scientific
doubt.  I don't think Einstein guaranteed to refund to those unable to
understand his Theory of Relativity.  And, yet, how many bought it?  How
many bought Darwin when I have refuted him?
Please do not let skeptism get the best of you.  I may be right, and you
may be wrong.   After all, I  have time and webspoace to put out only so
few pages.   Would I understand Einstein's Theory of relativity had I
not known his maths?  No! Would I understand it had I not read his whole
theory?  No!   So, please wait and see. The proof is the thing in any
scientific doctrine.  Whether right or wrong  depends on it. That's why
only after, not before, reading and digesting the whole proof should
anyone voice an opinion on the electromagnetism of memory, mentation and
behavaiur.   It is incredible that these should be under electromagnetic
control.  But, what if I have proven it? Then, it's real---however
indredible it may be. =

kccheng =BEG=ABa=B8s

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