The possession, and private, free, uncontrolled use
of any type of efficient E-meter-Polygraph
is vital
if one wishes to restore, maintain or increase
spiritual (and by consequence also bodily) health
for oneself and for others.
Again to counter (remedy, move out of the way)
false importances and misinterpretations
that have been promoted
(by the not so bright and therefore having to be 'experts')
regarding the use of E-meter-Polygraphs,
I would like to point out
that the Reads (Meter-reactions, needle motions)
have to do with
the changes
in the biological life-fields
in and around the body,
which fields (and their changes)
scientifically are probably best represented
in Kirlian photography.
(Only people who
deny, openly or secretly,
the existence of spiritual phenomena,
idiotically call the Polygraph a
"Galvanic Skin Response" (GSR)-meter.
The skin does not respond at all
- and the fluids in the skin
have no galvanic (electrical) response -
as you can easily find out.
The resistance is not at all proportional
to the amount of skin contact.)
This field,
of a type of energy neither described in
current (1998) biology, nor medicine, nor physics,
is influenced
by spiritual activity
commonly referred to as thought
- thought, which in itself is entirely separate
from living bodies (or living plants),
but which acts upon other spirits or upon bodies (or plants),
and which normally wants or receives
a feedback from bodies or from other spirits.
The idea was to make best performance
at easily available technology,
for a price that can easily be achieved
with modern electronic components.
For picture, description, schematics and directions for
use and understanding, see
This E-meter-Polygraph can be ordered for 100 USD, from
Noel Nolst Trenite
Ambassador for Mankind Foundation
Trenite House
D-91090 Gaiganz
E-mail: Noel.Nolst at
Postage and packaging inside Europe is 15 USD,
and outside Europe is 25 USD.
Orders are filled on a first-come first-served basis.
Koos Nolst Trenite - Ambassador for Mankind
Copyright 1998 by Koos Nolst Trenite
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