Walter Eric Johnson wrote:
> =
> K C Cheng (kccheng at wrote:
> : Walter Eric Johnson wrote:
> : > =
> :
> : > K C Cheng (kccheng at wrote:
> : > : What's wrong with being a kook so lon as he has that talent and
> : > : knowledge? It's better being a talented kook than being an ignor=
> : > : dummkopf(dummy)! Einstein was a kook! =
> : > =
> :
> : > You have grieviously maligned Dr. Albert Einstein. He was not a ko=
> : > On the contrary, he was one of the most esteemed scientists of all
> : > time.
> : > =
> :
> : > There is no honor in being a kook. In fact, kooks are invariably
> : > looked down upon by the people they are trying so hard to impress.
> : > And once you become known as a kook, your repuatation is probably
> : > impossible to salvage.
> : > =
> :
> : > It seems to me that kooks are often those people who wish to get
> : > attention in some field but who either do not wish to put in the
> : > work required to contribute to the field or who are incapable of
> : > putting in the work required. The result is that anyone past a
> : > minimum level of sophistication in the field finds it impossible
> : > to take you at all seriously.
> : > =
> :
> : > That does not describe Dr. Einstein at all.
> : > =
> :
> : > It does describe a n of people i
> : > =
> :
> : > Do not confuse kooks with people considered to be somewhat
> : > eccentric.
> : > =
> :
> : > Eric Johnson
> : If that is your definition of a "kook," I am not one either. However=
> : don't you think you call me a "kook" in that restricted sense too
> : early? How do you know I do not wish to contribute to knowledge? I
> : just said that I have a 10.5 hour video coming out to make it
> : comprehensible to even high school students. Why you want to jump =
> : conclusions when you don't know enough to esteem me, much less paying=
> : the right esteem you give to Einstein?
> =
> Looking at your web pages, I find it incomprehensible that anyone
> could really believe that crap. It strikes me more as a con game
> to get people who don't know any better to buy the crap.
> =
> Looking at your web page, it is completely obvious that you are
> totally ignorant of anything in the realm of neuroscience. You
> make up for that remarkable ignorance by making it up.
> =
> From your web page:
> Sample pages illustrating the direct transmission of electrons
> from peripheral receptor potentials (electrons generated at
> the site of peripheral stimulation are directly transported)
> along the nerve pathways all the way up into the central
> sensorineurons, thus preserving the electromagnetic information
> in a stimulus-specific fashion for sensation and memory
> formation.
> =
> You think that nerves pick up electrons and carry them to some
> neuron where the electron is stored as a memory? Did you say
> what I think you said?
> =
> Insofar as memory goes, it is not something as simple as stating
> "since light exists in quanta form, memory is also quanta." Not
> only must it be proven that such photons directly enter into the
> brain to be so sensed, but also has it to be proven that such
> electromagnetic particles indeed remain as memory capable of
> being retrieved and recombined into new thoughts, sensory
> controllers of voluntary activities, etc..
> =
> Yep. You seem seem to mean what I thought you said!
> =
> And your knowledge of evolution is just as flawed as your knowledge
> of neuroscience and physics.
> =
> 460 volumes!
> =
> And this is really priceless:
> =
> Moral obligations: When I devote my life to creating
> hundreds volumes of great works to benefit humanity, the
> least the world can do is to respect such creations as my
> life work, representing my hard labour not to be exploited
> or confiscated, pirated by others: Man has a conscience;
> respect my copyright.
> =
> Are you really worried that someone might copy all that crap
> and sell it? Who would buy it? If someone is going to steal
> something, they're more likely to attempt to find something
> of value to steal.
> =
> I guess a cartoonist might be tempted to use it to portray
> the lunacy of a cartoon character who pompously spews forth
> volumes of nonsense and is mistakenly convinced that someone
> is listening.
> =
> Hmmm. Are you a cartoon character?
> =
> : Wait and you won't regret. Don't talk too early lest you offend a gr=
> : one! =
> =
> Yeah, sure.
> =
> Eric Johnson
I never said memory stored as electrons. Instead, they are taken in and
stored as stimulus-specific electromagnetic particles. As I said, why
do you think you know anything to criticize me when you don't understand
anything relevant to that field?
You may have memorized evolution, but certainly you don't know why it's
wrong. =
I don't want to force knowledge down people's throat. It's up to
people to take what they want. Not everyone on earth is as bizarre as
you are!
-- =
kccheng =BEG=ABa=B8s