Budding neurologist

Walter Eric Johnson wej3715 at fox.tamu.edu
Fri Sep 25 14:28:35 EST 1998

K C Cheng (kccheng at postoffice.idirect.com) wrote:
: > From your web page:
: >   Sample pages illustrating the direct transmission of electrons
: >   from peripheral receptor potentials (electrons generated at
: >   the site of peripheral stimulation are directly transported)
: >   along the nerve pathways all the way up into the central
: >   sensorineurons, thus preserving the electromagnetic information
: >   in a stimulus-specific fashion for sensation and memory
: >   formation.
: > =
: > You think that nerves pick up electrons and carry them to some
: > neuron where the electron is stored as a memory?  Did you say
: > what I think you said?
: > =
: >   Insofar as memory goes, it is not something as simple as stating
: >   "since light exists in quanta form, memory is also quanta." Not
: >   only must it be proven that such photons directly enter into the
: >   brain to be so sensed, but also has it to be proven that such
: >   electromagnetic particles indeed remain as memory capable of
: >   being retrieved and recombined into new thoughts, sensory
: >   controllers of voluntary activities, etc..
: > =
: > Yep.  You seem seem to mean what I thought you said!
: > =
: > And your knowledge of evolution is just as flawed as your knowledge
: > of neuroscience and physics.
: > =
: > 460 volumes!
: > =
: > And this is really priceless:
: > =
: >   Moral obligations: When I devote my life to creating
: >   hundreds volumes of great works to benefit humanity, the
: >   least the world can do is to respect such creations as my
: >   life work, representing my hard labour not to be exploited
: >   or confiscated, pirated by others: Man has a conscience;
: >   respect my copyright.
: > =
: > Are you really worried that someone might copy all that crap
: > and sell it?  Who would buy it?  If someone is going to steal
: > something, they're more likely to attempt to find something
: > of value to steal.
: > =
: > I guess a cartoonist might be tempted to use it to portray
: > the lunacy of a cartoon character who pompously spews forth
: > volumes of nonsense and is mistakenly convinced that someone
: > is listening.
: > =
: > Hmmm.  Are you a cartoon character?
: > =
: > : Wait and you won't regret.  Don't talk too early lest you offend a gr=
: eat
: > : one! =
: > =
: > Yeah, sure.
: > =
: > Eric Johnson
: I never said memory stored as electrons.

You didn't?  Just what did that first quote mean, then?

: Instead, they are taken in and
: stored as stimulus-specific electromagnetic particles.

Sometimes electrons, sometimes photons, ... ?

For what it's worth, there is no such thing as a stationary photon.

: As I  said, why
: do you think you know anything to criticize me when you don't understand
: anything relevant to that field?

Actually, I do.  I'm no expert in the field by any means, but am
quite capable of recognizing most bullshit.

: <snip>

Eric Johnson

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