In article <3602f8f6.16472282 at>,
cijadra at (Cijadrachon) wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>rcb5 at MSN.COM ("RonBlue") wrote...
> Stuff that indicated that he is cutting around in the hippocampus
> areas of other persons he declares non-ersons, so he can gut around in
> there, to come up with questions a lot of which have been answered
> within magic thousands of years ago.
>> I can't "leave my body" so I do not know about near-zero-delays for
> magicians distances of many hundreds or thousands of kilometers, but
> with the energies I use for just a bit more than a meter there ARE
> delays.
> Might have to do with areas of my brain receiving, processing and
> sending back, though.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Please note that Ron Blue did not post the above.
Ron Blue
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