Behaviours related to Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Thu Sep 24 22:27:57 EST 1998

In <01bde637$b91b3640$5129bace at user.csis.on.ca> "Jamie & Kathy"
<jk_ham at kos.net> writes: 
>I'm looking for information about bizarre behaviours related to TLE.
>Apparently, Bruce Hermann PhD. has done extensive research &
>specifically on this topic, but I've been unable so far to find any
>link to him or his publications. Does anybody know the whereabouts of
>or any other documentation on this specific topic? Thanks. "the mommy"
Bruce's publications have to do with more mundane aspects of TLE, so
far as I know--verbal vs. nonverbal memory (he once asked me for copy
of a test I devised to measure "what" and "where" aspects of visual
memory concurrently but separately), quality-of-life issues, etc., and
you can locate articles on which he is co-author rather easily through
the right data base.  Don't know what "links" you've been using, but
one or another Medline access provider would be appropriate.

However, he is but one of many, many working with TLE, so you might
better go directly to TLE to define one parameter of your search;
depending on adequacy of the access provider, you might or might not be
able to "AND" this to terms such as "case history" or "behavior", etc.

Or is there some specific bizarre behavior you're interested in?  Your
sign-off "the mommy" suggests you may have a child with known TLE and
you wonder what to expect (usually nothing very bizarre); or with
bizarre behavior, and you're wondering if it is consonant with TLE...

F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group

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