Patrick Juola wrote in alt.memetics:
>In article <dbrower.906574832 at senna>,
>David Brower <dbrower at> wrote:
>>Craig Burley <burley at> writes:
>>>>>mawarkus at (Matthias Warkus) writes:
>>>>>> Andy Ylikoski schrieb:
>>>> >
>>>> > My suggestion is the head of the American Revolution, George
>>>> > Washington. He is the man who did the most for the benefit of the
>>>> > human race.
>>>>>>>> Or are you implying that George Washington's leading of the American
>>>> Revolution had some other benefit than just creating the first "modern"
>>>> (this can be argued) democracy in the world?
>>>> If yes, are you suggesting that the American hegemony has done us any
>>>> good?
>>>>I'd be hard pressed to say there was any 'American hegemony' until
>>about 1945.
>>The Monroe Doctrine dates back to the early 1800s; I'd say that it's
>as clear an expression of the ideal of American hegemony as anything
>can be in history.
The Monroe Doctrine basically declared sympathy toward (but not
necessarily support for) movements in Central and South America for
independence from European powers, plus active support to protect any
independent nations in that area from re-conquest by said European
So long as the Europeans were not involved, the United States under
the Monroe Doctrine was not particularly interested in the rest of the
The US's commitments under the Monroe Doctrine could be entirely
fulfilled by naval force. The United States had demonstrated its
ability to effectively wage naval warfare (plus limited shock-troop
land actions) at a great distance beginning in 1801.
To me, that doesn't seem like much of a hegemony.
>And what does this have to do with AI?
THAT is a truly good question.
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