On 18 Sep 1998 15:12:37 GMT, peter at baileynm.com (Peter da Silva)
>Leonardo da Vinci is the most likely MotM, politically and socially.
>>Though a lot could be said for Malthus. *sigh*
>In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva <peter at baileynm.com>
> `-_-' "Har du kramat din varg idag?"
> 'U`
> "Tell init(8) to lock-n-load, we're goin' zombie slaying!"
I agree that da Vinci is a good candidate. My personal choice would be
Ayn Rand, author of "Atlas Shrugged" one of the most influential books
of all time. As a philosopher she developed Objectivism, and
championed Reason in the 20th century.
Jeffrey D. Iverson - Iverson Software Co.
The Directory of Computer Consulants & Developers
38 Downtown Plaza #3, Fairmont MN 56031, 507-235-9209