brain energy and mitochondria

Austin Seo (Hae Jin) haejin at netinfo.ubc.ca
Thu Sep 24 15:56:13 EST 1998

Look in Nature Neuroscience (forgot which issue though...I think it was the
first or second) for a recent article, something along the lines of "the
metabolic cost of neuronal information".


Stephane MOTTIN wrote:

> Hi neurosciences-bioNet
> Does anyone  know the existance of books on brain mitochondria?
> For brain energy metabolism, the famous (Siesjo, 1978) is quite "ancient".
> May be a netSurfer could know a new book on theses topics?

Austin Seo (Hae-Jin)
Graduate Programme in Neuroscience
Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics
e-mail: haejin at netinfo.ubc.ca

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