"The Plague" hath rrrreturrrnd

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Sep 22 23:19:40 EST 1998

ravenwolf at my-dejanews.com wrote:

>In article <36056bf9.13588554 at news.zedat.fu-berlin.de>,
>  cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de (Cijadrachon) wrote:
>> You are wrong to abuse other mammals, cutting around in their "I" and
>> other areas, because they are so neatly alike yours.
>Maybe you are right... but... have you seen a person with Alzheimer,
>epilepsy, schizofrenia.... Or maybe a baby with hidrocephalia???
no, yes, yes, Wasserkopf: yes

Let me guess,  the argument  is that when i am hungry and you have
bread I kill you because you are less worth.
Did I get you right?

Concerning epilepsy finally  humans should turn off that damn
artificial rhythm making crap and stop jamming artificial frequencies
through systems, concerning schizophrenia it is not exactly THE state
secret that some of the best shamans might be of their rows nor how to
make a good amulet or teach people "seeing" & that there are  ranges
you hallucinate on and others where not,
so I don't even see the connection,
if the last one whould be what we call waterhead here,  I thought that
had to do with sticking shunts in, in with Alzheimer I guess asking
some people before they off-line too much if I  may cut around in
their corpse once they are dead I'd take a good look at that,
and alive might seek for people still there enough testing different
substances and telling me what difference it makes.

I can justify going around murdering or mutilating you or  your
family, too, because you have something that is convenient for me.

Or how about I cut around in your head because  someone is
hallucinating pictures and I am too lazy to learn energy-telepathy and
check it out directly? 

> I dont like cut rat´s brain, 
Well, I'd not like to cut around in your relatives' brains either.

>and when it´s possible try to use cyber or mathematics
>models, but thats is not always possible. All researchers (maybe not all) try
>to conduce their research with minimun animal life cost or pain.

You are  an animal.

The term animal is ranging from persons like mammals and birds to
worms, leeches, tiny dumb fly-kinds and some beings in the water that
to me did just seem like a bunch of bio-programs.

Anyone researching should do so in himself and consenting persons, not
in unconsenting persons.

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