Mindmeld of Neuroscience, AI and Robotics

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Sep 22 23:19:43 EST 1998

mentifex at scn.org (Mentifex) wrote:

>It is time to bring together the far-flung brain-mind disciplines
>under a Standard Model of the Mind, a Unified Theory of Cognition:

Sure, Mentifex, let me guess, yours, that is sticking segregating
hearing and vision like you were some sense-censored sheep, not even
mentioning many intersting otgher ranges, sticking so many thousands
of emotions of different sites all together, sticking the motor output
together as if there were only a single system to do with that,  
is putting  fear as if there  were just one  site for it, 
is having old image without discerning different memory systems, 
with idea also not discerning between sectors, nor with decision...

>  Hearing    Vision    Concepts Volition Emotion   Motor Output
> /iiiiiii\  /!i!i!i!\                             /YYYYYYYYYYYY\
>| ||||||| || ||||||| |   T                       | |||||||||||| |
>| ||||||| || | ___ | |   +                       | |||||||||||| |
>| ||||||| ||  /old\  |   +                       | |S|||||||||| |
>| ||||||| || (image)-|---+_                      | |H|||||||||| |
>| ||||||| ||  \___/  |  /  \                     | |A|||||||||| |
>| ||||||| ||         | (idea)               __   | |K|||||||||| |
>| | ||||| ||         |  \__/---------------/  \  | |E|||R|||||| |
>| |d------||---------|---+        ____    (fear)-|--*|||U|||||| |
>| ||||o|| ||  _____  |   +-------/    \----\__/  | |||||N|||P|| |
>| ||g|||| || / re- \-|---+      / de-  \---------|------*|||E|| |
>| || |||| ||/entrant\|   +     (  ci-   )        | |||||||||T|| |
>| ||||||| ||\ image /|   +      \ sion /---------|----------*|| |
>| ||||||| || \_____/ |   +       \____/          | |||||||||||| |
>http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/neurosci.html is a new
>Web site gathering and publishing links to the far edge of AI and
>Neuroscience where bold thinkers reveal the future of our species.
...and of course the dear bold thinkers reveal the future of our
How impressive.

Standard Model of the Mind
How about you start  with defining which areas of the brain  (and
maybe body) are of  the mind and which ones are not?

Personally I doubt you'd  be good even  just  at that.

Your unified modell of cognition is crap, the sequencer (see some
other  texts by  me) can think, too, heard huge octopei can, a turtle
I once saw did not exactly just seem a bunch of automatic programs
either, some parrots I  saw  were quite impressive as far as thinking
went, doubt  dolphins think exactly like I do   and so on.

Your "the mind, the cognition" seems even less accurate as those
talking of the (sub)conscious.

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