Craig Burley wrote in alt.memetics:
>mawarkus at (Matthias Warkus) writes:
>>> Andy Ylikoski schrieb:
>> >
>> > My suggestion is the head of the American Revolution, George
>> > Washington. He is the man who did the most for the benefit of the
>> > human race.
>>>> Or are you implying that George Washington's leading of the American
>> Revolution had some other benefit than just creating the first "modern"
>> (this can be argued) democracy in the world?
>> If yes, are you suggesting that the American hegemony has done us any
>> good?
>>Well, thinking in terms of what he actually *said*, "benefit of the
>human race", I think it's fair to at least consider that it might have
>been the unique contribution of George Washington that he laid down
>the foundations of a government, based not on powerful personal rule
>but the rule of the individual citizen (via democratic republic) and
>his private morality, and that this government, in basically the same
>form, a century later, struck the most definitive worldwide blow
>against the widespread practice of slavery.
The United States was, among industrialized nations, about the LAST to
eliminate slavery.
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