In article <dbrower.906574832 at senna>,
David Brower <dbrower at> wrote:
>Craig Burley <burley at> writes:
>>>mawarkus at (Matthias Warkus) writes:
>>>> Andy Ylikoski schrieb:
>>> >
>>> > My suggestion is the head of the American Revolution, George
>>> > Washington. He is the man who did the most for the benefit of the
>>> > human race.
>>>>>> Or are you implying that George Washington's leading of the American
>>> Revolution had some other benefit than just creating the first "modern"
>>> (this can be argued) democracy in the world?
>>> If yes, are you suggesting that the American hegemony has done us any
>>> good?
>>I'd be hard pressed to say there was any 'American hegemony' until
>about 1945.
The Monroe Doctrine dates back to the early 1800s; I'd say that it's
as clear an expression of the ideal of American hegemony as anything
can be in history.
And what does this have to do with AI?