Behaviours related to Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Adriano G. Arruda-Botelho abotelho at mpcnet.com.br
Wed Sep 23 05:30:41 EST 1998

You could do a search in medical databases.  Begin through my site (link

------------------------------   Adriano
Botelho ----------------------------------
-----------------------   abotelho at mpcnet.com.br   -------------------------
--------------   -----------------

Jamie & Kathy <jk_ham at kos.net> wrote in message
01bde637$b91b3640$5129bace at user.csis.on.ca...
>I'm looking for information about bizarre behaviours related to TLE.
>Apparently, Bruce Hermann PhD. has done extensive research & publishing
>specifically on this topic, but I've been unable so far to find any online
>link to him or his publications. Does anybody know the whereabouts of this
>or any other documentation on this specific topic? Thanks. "the mommy"

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