Time Magazine: Dog or Cat of the Millennium

Ocelot ocelot at katmandu.com
Wed Sep 23 15:08:43 EST 1998

Evil Dog <e-dog at pooch.org> wrote:
> Woof!  Woof!  Bark-bark, Rin-Tin-Tin, grrrr woof, woof!

Meow, meow meow, mew, mew-meow Sophocles meow "Snagglepuss at 
Colonus".  Moew mew meow-purr Hitler liked dogs mew meow.  
Mew mew Monica and Socks, Meow-Meow-ME-OOOOWWWWWWW!  Pant, 
PANT! (cigar smoke).  Bill Clinton: "Lion King", meow meow.  
Cat-o the Elder, meow meow, "Delenda est Carthago, doggie-

Meow, meow female cats?  Cat-her-ine the Great, meow-mew 
knocked off retarded husband, purrrrrfect meow.  Cat-her-ine 
of Aragon, Cat-her-ine de Medici.  Willa Cat-her, meow-meow, 
"Death Comes to the Archbishop" Cat-holic priest meow.  Elsa 
meow "Born Free" meow.  Minorities meow meow, Black Panthers 
meow Cornell Veterinary School takeover meow 1967.  Tiger 
Woods, meow mew. 

Meow entertainers, Cat Stevens (grrrrr, grrrr Salman Rushdie!  
GGGGRRRR!), Tony Tiger mew meow.

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