In article <6ub9fn$nue$1 at>, Gerry Quinn <gerryq at> wrote:
>But you can't say that if he didn't do it, nobody else would have -
It's hard to point to any particular literary figure as being really critical.
Shakespeare was a man of his times, and he didn't introduce a new artform so
much as develop it. How about Daniel Defoe, who wrote the first modern novel
(even if it was based roughly on real events, Selkirk and Crusoe were not at
all similar...).
>As for composers / visual artists, can you honestly say that if one
>such was obliterated from history, he (she???) would leave a hole in
>the common culture as big as the disappearance of Shakespeare would?
Beethoven, Bach, Mozart. And where would shopping malls be without Vivaldi?
In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva <peter at>
`-_-' "Milloin halasit viimeksi suttasi?"
"Tell init(8) to lock-n-load, we're goin' zombie slaying!"