Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Dave Hansen dhansen at btree.com
Wed Sep 23 13:54:59 EST 1998

On 23 Sep 1998 17:36:17 GMT, peter at baileynm.com (Peter da Silva)

>It's hard to point to any particular literary figure as being really critical.
>Shakespeare was a man of his times, and he didn't introduce a new artform so
>much as develop it. How about Daniel Defoe, who wrote the first modern novel
>(even if it was based roughly on real events, Selkirk and Crusoe were not at
>all similar...).

I thought Miguel de Cervantes earned that honor for "Don Quixote"


Just my (10-010) cents
I can barely speak for myself, so I certainly can't speak for B-Tree.
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