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On 22 Sep 1998 22:39:53 +0200, Ketil Z Malde wrote about Re: Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium:
>smwei at umich.edu (Silke-Maria Weineck) writes:
>> > Maynard Handley (handleym at ricochet.net) wrote:
>> > : Jesus
>> Jesus would of course qualify as Man of the Previous Millenium
>> > : I said that the big things that changed everyone's lives over the last one
> > : thousand years were for the most part caused by white European (and in the
> > : last 1/4 of those thousand years North American) males.
>> > your parenthesis, however, strikes me as the funniest things I've read
> > in this thread.
>> I think he means that in the last 250 years, North American males have
> also been very influential, in addition to the European ones, not that
> only North Americans have been.
>> However, a millenium is a mighty long time, and I'd like to point out
> that the Chinese invented stuff like paper, printing, compasses,
> firearms, and of course a bunch of philosophies...unfortunately, they
> don't seem to have retained the names of inventors (with the exception
> of the philosophies), and a lot of that may have been in previous
> millennia. No match for Jesus. :-)
>> And keep in mind that, even if for us white males it looks like most
> important stuff were done by white European males, some people might
> think that Lao-Tze were more important than Shakespeare, or that Haile
> Selassie were greater leader than Napoleon. If it gets down to voting,
> the fraction of white European votes isn't all that large, either.
>> Oh, well, the whole thing is a bit silly, I suppose. And off topic.
>> ~kzm
> --
> If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
I would tend to vote for Lao-Tze, but he wasn't in this millenium...
Joe Cosby
Devout member of the Church of Amiga since 1990
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it" - Goethe