Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Christian Bau christian.bau at isltd.insignia.com
Wed Sep 23 05:02:34 EST 1998

In article <Pine.BSF.4.02A.9809221904170.17730-100000 at dillinger.io.com>,
MA Lloyd <malloy00 at io.com> wrote:

> FWIW the most popular work playing this game is probably Michael H Hart's
> The 100.  His ordering can of course be debated, but it isn't too bad; I
> doubt you can make a decent case for anybody he hasn't put in the top 25.  
> His entries in the top 25 that fall into this millenium are Newton, 
> Gutenberg, Columbus, Einstein, Pasteur, Galileo, Darwin, Copernicus, 
> Lavoisier, Watt, Faraday, Maxwell, and Luther.

Very often, you can take a name and then say "well, if he hadnt done it,
someone else would.". If Columbus hadnt (re)discovered the Americas,
someone else would. In the list above, Martin Luther would be the only one
not in this category, so that is a good reason to make him Man of the

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