Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Gerry Quinn gerryq at indigo.ie
Tue Sep 22 19:56:17 EST 1998

In article <Pine.BSF.4.02A.9809221904170.17730-100000 at dillinger.io.com>, MA Lloyd <malloy00 at io.com> wrote:

>FWIW the most popular work playing this game is probably Michael H Hart's
>The 100.  His ordering can of course be debated, but it isn't too bad; I
>doubt you can make a decent case for anybody he hasn't put in the top 25.  
>His entries in the top 25 that fall into this millenium are Newton, 
>Gutenberg, Columbus, Einstein, Pasteur, Galileo, Darwin, Copernicus, 
>Lavoisier, Watt, Faraday, Maxwell, and Luther.

What about Shakespeare??? That list is ridiculously biased toward 

- Gerry

  gerryq at indigo.ie  (Gerry Quinn)

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