in <MPG.1070e233b64831579896e0 at>, qed at (Paul Hsieh) did something allowing me to incorporate a very witty verb in this line and produced:
>In article <6u6qrt$gsp$1 at>, d9090 at says...
>> Jack Andrews wrote in message <36031689.B94BD396 at>...
>> >What about the "Woman of the millenium"?
>>>> And your nominee would be?????
>>>> >Talk about a sexist bunch of crap--------->"man of the millenium"
>>>> >> >>Ludwig van Beethoven
>>>> >> As do I. Shakespeare.
>>>> Issac Newton. (that from a Shakespeare and huge Beethovan fan.)
>For the women its a little harder. The only one I can think of of truly
>monumentus consequence is:
>>- Marie Curie (discovered radiation, whose applications to modern science
>are too numerous to name.)
err... Ayn Rand? Just kidding. :P But Harriet Beecher Stowe (sp?)
would be a serious candidate for woman of the millenium. Or Lucrecia
(sp??) Borgia :P