K C Cheng (kccheng at postoffice.idirect.com) wrote:
: What's wrong with being a kook so lon as he has that talent and
: knowledge? It's better being a talented kook than being an ignorant
: dummkopf(dummy)! Einstein was a kook! =
You have grieviously maligned Dr. Albert Einstein. He was not a kook!
On the contrary, he was one of the most esteemed scientists of all
There is no honor in being a kook. In fact, kooks are invariably
looked down upon by the people they are trying so hard to impress.
And once you become known as a kook, your repuatation is probably
impossible to salvage.
It seems to me that kooks are often those people who wish to get
attention in some field but who either do not wish to put in the
work required to contribute to the field or who are incapable of
putting in the work required. The result is that anyone past a
minimum level of sophistication in the field finds it impossible
to take you at all seriously.
That does not describe Dr. Einstein at all.
It does describe a number of people infesting this and other
Do not confuse kooks with people considered to be somewhat
Eric Johnson