In article <6u6qrt$gsp$1 at>, d9090 at says...
> Jack Andrews wrote in message <36031689.B94BD396 at>...
> >What about the "Woman of the millenium"?
>> And your nominee would be?????
>> >Talk about a sexist bunch of crap--------->"man of the millenium"
>> >> >>Ludwig van Beethoven
>> >> As do I. Shakespeare.
>> Issac Newton. (that from a Shakespeare and huge Beethovan fan.)
Well for the men, I'll throw in:
- Andrew Wiley (proved Fermat's last theorem, possibly the greatest
intellectual feat of all time.)
- John von Neuman (inventor of the computer, the ultimate society
assisting invention of man.)
- Mikhail Gorbachev (made the greatest and most important peace in the
history of mankind.)
- Charles Darwin (for discovering probably the most fundamental law
governing life.)
For the women its a little harder. The only one I can think of of truly
monumentus consequence is:
- Marie Curie (discovered radiation, whose applications to modern science
are too numerous to name.)