Maynard Handley wrote:
> In article <3605355D.C68AD25E at>, Jack Andrews
> <amiga at> wrote:
>> > winter+spam at wrote:
> >
> > > In comp.arch Jack Andrews <amiga at> wrote:
> > > > What about the "Woman of the millenium"?
> > > > Talk about a sexist bunch of crap--------->"man of the millenium"
> > >
> > > Be realistic. Most of millenial history has been written about and by men.
> > > Trying to deny this is silly.
> >
> > Exactly, that's the problem, "Most of millenial history has been written
> about and
> > by men"
> >
> > >
> > > If the next thing you are going to say is "What about the african-amercian
> > > man of the millenium." then my reply is: What about the most influential
> > > tyrant of the millenium?
> >
> > What does this mean?
>> I know Wittgenstein said "If I lion could talk, we would not understand
> what he had to say", but was it also Wittgenstein who asked the question
> "Do lions have history"?
> The point is that history is NOT simply the passage of time. It is CHANGE
> through the passage of time. No change means no history.
> For better or worse, most of the significant change of this millenium has
> been caused by white european males. How do you plan to deny this? By
> raising bizarre questions about what "significant change" means? By
> claiming that simply staying alive, giving birth and raising families
> counts as "significant change"?
>> Maynard
>> --
> My opinion only
For starters we can consider American History (for starters)
I suggest you do some reading on the subject, and alter your bigoted sexist views.
Abigail Adams (1744-1818) - Wife of President John Q. Adams, advocate of women's
Alcott, Louisa May (1832-1888) - Seamstress, servant, teacher, Civil War nurse, and
finally, author and novelist
Marian Anderson (1902-1995) - First African American to sing leading role with
Metropolitan Opera, delegate to U.N.
Susan Brownell Anthony (1820-1906) - Napoleon of the women's suffrage movement,
mother of the 19th Amendment, abolitionist
Josephine Baker (1906-1975) - African-American international star, civil rights
activist, World War II heroine
Ida B. Wells Barnett (1869-1931) - African-American educator, newspaperwoman,
anti-lynching campaigner, founder NAACP
Clara Barton (1821-1912) - Civil War nurse, founder of the American Red Cross
Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955) African-American educator, founder of
Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida,
Presidential advisor, recipient of Spingarn Medal
Sarah Bolton (1841-1916) - Noted Cleveland author of biographies, poetry and a
temperance novel
Mary Elizabeth Bowser ( 1839-?) - African-American Union spy in the Confederate
White House
Belle Boyd (1844-1900) - Confederate spy during the Civil War
Eliza Bryant (1827-1907) - African-American founder of the The Cleveland Home for
Aged Colored People
Martha Jane "Calamity Jane" Canary (1852-1903) - A lone woman in the wilds of the
Rocky Mountain west
Rachel Carson (1907-1964) - Marine biologist, science writer, and environmentalist
Rebecca Carter (1766-1827) - Pioneer woman of Cleveland
Carrie Chapman Catt (1859-1947) - Suffragette, founder of the League of Women
Cassie L. Chadwick (1857-1907) - Most infamous Cleveland financial con-artist
Bessie Coleman (1893-1926) - First African-American woman to get pilot's license
Dorothy Dandridge (1923-1965) - Actress, singer and dancer. Star of Carmen Jones
and Porgy and Bess
Isadora Duncan (1875-1929) - Mother of modern dance
Amelia Earhart (1897-1913) - Aviatrix
Mary Fields (1832?-1914) - African-American entrepreneur, stagecoach driver,
Diana Fletcher (circa 1830's) - Daughter of a former slave and Kiowa mother,
activist, taught in black Cherokee school
Zelma Watson George (1903-1994) - African-American delegate to the U.N., opera
singer, speaker and educator
Abbie Burgess Grant (1839-1892) - Lighthouse keeper at Matinicus Rock and Whitehead
Light Stations in Maine, commissioned by U.S. Coast Guard
Charlotte Forten Grimke (1837-1890) - African-American writer, abolitionist and
Sally Hemmings (1773-1835) - African American who sacrificed her freedom from
slavery for the love of President Thomas Jefferson
Adella Prentiss Hughes (1869-1950) - Founder of the Cleveland Orchestra and
Cleveland Music Settlement House
Jane Edna Hunter (1882-1971) - African-American social worker, attorney, founder of
Phyllis Wheatley Association of Cleveland
Zora Neale Hurston (1903-1960) - African-American writer from The Harlem Group,
influenced Toni Morrison and Alice Walker
Harriet Jacobs (1813-1897) - African-American escaped slave, author and
Rebecca Jackson ( ??) - African-American eldress of the Shaker sect in Cleveland
Sisseretta Jones (1869-1933) - African-American international vocal prima donna of
late 19th century, favorite of George Bernard Shaw and several presidents
Elizabeth Keckley (1820-?) Personal maid, best friend and confidant to Mary Todd
Lincoln. Wrote tell-all book after leaving Mrs. Lincoln's employ
Marie LaVeau (1796?-1863?) - African-American Voodoo Queen of New Orleans and
famous herbalist
Edmonia Lewis ( 1843-?) - First successful African-American sculptor
Ida Lewis (1842-1913) - Heroic lighthouse keeper of Rhode Island, commissioned by
U.S. Coast Guard
Mary Todd Lincoln (1818-1882) - Wife of President Abraham Lincoln, misrepresented
by popular history and maligned by her peers
Jenny Lind (1820-1887) - Swedish international opera star, brought to U.S. by P.T.
Barnum during Civil War
Juliette Gordon Low (1860-1927) - Founder of the American Girl Scouts
Clare Booth Luce (1903-1987) - Playwright, U.S. Congresswoman and ambassador to
Dolley Madison (1772-1849) - First Lady and doyen of Washington society
Biddy Mason (1818-1891) - Entrepreneur, one of first African-American women to own
land in California
Flora Stone Mather (1852-1910) - Cleveland philanthropist, founder of Flora Stone
Mather college at Western Reserve University for women; sponsored Goodrich House
for urban children
Susan McKinley (1848-1918) - First female African American doctor in New York State
Maria Mitchell (1818-1889) - Astronomer and first female professor of Vassar
College; inventor of marine navigational equipment
Annie Oakley (1860-1926) - World famous markswoman from Ohio Georgia O'Keeffe
(1887-1986) - Famed American artist who defied convention in both her art and her
private life
Mrs. George (Hannah?) Peake (1755-18??) - First African-American settler of
Eleanor Anna Roosevelt (1884-1962) - Wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, first
activist First Lady
Rebecca Rouse (1799-1887) - Cleveland humanitarian, temperance advocate,
abolitionist, founder of Beech Brook
Wilma Rudolph (1940-1994) - African-American Olympic Gold Medalist
Bessie Smith (1894-1937) - African-American blues singer
Valaida Snow (1900-1956) - African-American band leader and trumpet player
Belle Sherwin (1868-1955) - Cleveland suffragist, President of League of Women
Voters, social reformer
Belle Starr (1848-1889) - Confederate sympathizer and western frontierswoman and
Susie King Taylor (1848-1912) - First African-American U.S. Army nurse during the
Civil War
Mary Church Terrell (1863-1954) - African-American lecturer, suffragette, civil
rights leader
Sojourner Truth (Isabella Baumfree) (1797-1883) - African-American abolitionist and
Civil War nurse, suffragette Harriet Tubman (1820?-1913) - Underground Railroad
conductor, Army scout, African-American suffragette
Rosetta Wakeman (1843-1864) - Posed as a male to serve in Union Army during Civil
Madame C.J. Walker (1867-1919) - African-American entrepreneur, millionaire and
Hazel Mountain Walker (1900-1980) - African-American attorney, principal, actress
at Karamu
Katherine Walker (1846-1931) - Lighthouse keeper at Robin's Reef, New York,
commissioned by U. S. Coast Guard
Phyllis Wheatley (1754-1785) - Mother of African-American women's literature, poet
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Let not the fierce sun dry one tear of pain before thyself
hast wiped it from the sufferer's eye.
H. P. Blavatsky (1831-1891)