
Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Sep 20 15:55:50 EST 1998

flefever at ix.netcom.com(F. Frank LeFever) wrote:

>The plague has returned.  
I take that you are still slightly miffed about me having told you
that your memory theories were crap and that I could have told you
better at the age of six, if someone had been bright enough to filter
the questions down to me without all this neuro-blabbing,
and that I withdrew some semi-offer to tell you about some of what you
are after, and said that instead I'd prefer going on you guessing &
blundering at it. And enjoy it from a partially inside perspective.

>Again, we can expect 
Aah, so YOU are "we".

Man, cool, I am a good LSD megalomaniac, heading for a career as LSD
Pope II, but even I'd not assume that all other have to think like I.

Many points on rhethorics, not all have the same cell amount  like you
to glamour there in English,
but a little hint among fiends: Thou mightst want to check thy
hypothalamus a bit  from addling THY thinking.

>a further diminution of
>the newsgroup's utility as the noise crowds out the signal.

Yessss, Great Master, send us THY SIGNAL about different memory
systems in the brain!

As among LSD teachers and some shaman people here I currently count
source one on Earth (though there might be better ones)  about them,
enlighten me and other dumb ones like me with loads of complicated
neuro babbling, so we might filter it down to what you actually said,
compare it to the inside systems, and give you some GUGU-points for
how close or off-shot (heehee, that theory back there on memory, you
didn't score much, Fever, you should improve there) you got it.

>I would urge all who have the welfare of bionet.neuroscience at heart
Well, yeah, with you it actually might sit at the heart, not parts of
the cholinergic limbic system

>to refrain from responding to "cijadra"; if you cannot resist, please
>respoond to him/her 

How about "it".
I have little sex.
But the first emotion generator or what you call basolateral blabla 
is a she.

But for lack of completeness this does not matter so much.

So "it" is O.K. for my partially cholinergic limbic perspective.

By the way, neurotermblabbing sucks.

I am without much sex in the brain and that you inside yourself did
not get there yet, means, that you have not understood yourself yet.
And hurting other mammals your won't  apart from some fragments.

>directly, not by posting to the newsgroup and
>further cluttering it up.

Like you did with the (how many exactly???) ones where you told other
people to leave and shut up, and many of them did.

Among them a data source that awed (my direct) me,
and to do so to that extend that takes a bit, there are only very few
on Earth who can.
He might have been one of the Odd Borns, and he had amazing natural
brain-scan powers.
I regret he seems to have left.
(...Are you still maybe at least reading?
To the one who said he can scan out his brain areas naturally and tell
I'd like to brain-link with you, if you don't mind also on LSD,
I can transfer you Shaman data into your brain with "MCD1/3autistic
area precision" if then you let me into your brain to transcopy stuff
from their into my structures.
I can try to target you yourself out in this, shifting to other energy
ranges, and I also don't have memory access, I can also try to censor
out emotional energy ranges, so you'd have pretty much your privacy
preserved, even if I spook around in your head and do some little
transcopying that  would interest me from energy-stuff in different
ones of your brain's sectors.
You are also linked into mine at the same time, simplified like two
wires contacting and the same cells at the end.
If you let me transcopy stuff from your brain on LSD I will teach you
how to do so, as you are  sort of watching anyway, when I do it.

This is a very special offer, there are very few brains so important
to me that I'd like to restructure a lot in many areas in my head
to get their perspective.
I live in Berlin, you can crash here, too, if you don't mind the
structured mess and no smoking inside.
I am very serious about this.

Your and my brain linked, and once you know how to do that, maybe ome
of Berlins Frequency masters of magic,
that'd be the partially cholinergic limbic show for me.)

To come back to Frank:
Let me summon it up to:
You and your censorship and the likes like you 


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