Is there a dominant ear???

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri Sep 18 19:21:21 EST 1998

flefever at ix.netcom.com(F. Frank LeFever) wrote:

>Nice to see undergraduates reinvent the wheel,
(Who was it who babbled that crap about memory systems...?)
Frank occasionally you beat me in arrogance.
That should worry you.

Let me guess, you have the perfect answers to the questions.
Or some more complicated way than me or others to express:"I don't
understand it all, either."  

>... difference between eyes...
I had someone making sort of a second picture of myself to my left.
Wonder what that is?  Also noticed that  some babies seem to have the
eyes not that coordinated... ?
rcb5 at MSN.COM ("RonBlue") wrote...
Stuff that indicated that he is cutting around in the hippocampus
areas of other persons he declares non-ersons, so he can gut around in
there, to come up with questions a lot of which have been answered
within magic thousands of years ago.

I can't "leave my body" so I do not know about near-zero-delays for
magicians distances of many hundreds or thousands of kilometers, but
with the energies I use for just a bit more than a meter there ARE
Might have to do with areas of my  brain receiving, processing and
sending back, though.
cblanco at fvet.uba.ar wrote:
>In article <35FBA407.F3A20130 at writeme.com>,

> Generally the limitations in perceptions could be divided in 3 groups
>or levels: a) receptor level, b) transmission level and the processing or
>cortical level.
I take it that in learning  magic perception you did not even reach
the first half of an hour of learning?  

>in cefalo-oculo-girus reflex in dogs and horses. 
What is that  reflex and how did you measure it?
Zoro <Duy at writeme.com> wrote:

>Looking at the auditory pathway, I first proposed that it may be the
>tympanic membrane and/or hair cells which is the limiting factor in the
>ability to descriminate 2 sounds. Unfortunately, texts reveal that hair
>cells are capable of handling up to 1Megahertz of vibration (our results
>show fusion begins around 17 millissec), and is clearly not. Next I began
>to look at the afferent fibers which connect to the hair cells, my group
>advises me that they have an absolute refractory period of 1ms, still not a
>limiting factor. From this I concluded (?) that it must be higher brain
>functions that are the cause of the perception of fusion. My theory is that
>since the noise in the middle is so small, the brain descriminates against
>it, casting it aside as unimportant background noise. Perhaps like the
>blind spot in the eye?
>~~~~    ~     ~~~~
>~ = noise
>What do you think?
At this hour not much.

Or much, but not to be coherently expressed in neat words, and that in
English ones.

Something like: 
Go to disco with flickering light, track on-off or sort of more unite
it, see what strains your brain less,
[compare to:] get some epileptic  fits and watch the rhythms;
find out why in magic there are areas where you should not dock in the
other brain, especially with some sector(s) in different ones, 
and also figure in the pathways to yourself, so that what some other
sector is perceiving is not necessarily what you yourself are
perceiving, therefore your ms calculating might leave out some stuff.
Pop trip, watch perception speeds at "half pupil", bit more than "full
pupil amount and (that just if you are balanced enough for it, that IS
seriously VERY dangerous for some!!!) several  times more that. 
Compare all results  to all questions. 
As we are at  realism, then become an MBD-autist, take so much "1 1/2
year old dragons" that you stay just below being able to keep out
halllucinations, get some blaster-shaman to send into your (passive)
brain in a certain way and close your eyes and watch the different
waves with different pressures in different sectors he makes in there,
and ponder non-interference systems (!!!) between different
wave-signals in different sectors, and what certain of them wave- or
other patterns mean for/in certain sectors, and theorize what might
happen if they were to overlap the wrong  way... Go deeper into
telepathy, watch differences between (halves of) areas and  between
brains, maybe read some neuro stuff to do with potentials and
oscillating whatevers, learn transcending,  and after pondering all
together, maybe you find out more about some of the answers?
... Just to  find out that one the way there you found so many new
questions, that, if you were to repeat it with all of them, and whith
each of them get the same proportion of questions again,
you'd likely  be old and frail and still  not have answered even a
quarter of thust those. And while others are merry with their
grand-children  around them you might die as some ex-walking
questionmark maybe circling around itself...

...Yawn... Sorry, real tired, and can't really express according
stuff, even if I were not. Lots of stuff in the brain is not much to
do with thinking in the first place.
Don't know if my chaos-reply made much sense to you, but hope it
helped you anyway...


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