>>>My sister in law is considering taking her brain injured young son
>(my nephew) to the Alpha Learning Institute (WWW.ALPHALEARNING.COM) in
>>>Switzerland for some kind of Brainwave treatment that I know nothing
>>>>>>The organisation is run by a man called Sean Adam.
>>>>>>The claims made by the Alpha Learning Institute for their treatment
>>>seem (to me) extraordinary. My nephew is severely disabled due to a
>>>loss of supply of oxygen to his brain at birth. Can it really be
>>>possible that this "Brainwave" treatment can help.
>>>>>>Don't get me wrong, I'm not casting any aspersions on this
>>>organisation- just looking for son independent verification that
>>>may help.
>>>>>>Anyone know anything?
Not about that, no, just linking part of the brains' energies
together, but to do with many ranges, more than I can count, and then
usually more perceiving around on different ranges.
My advice is: If it is a machine distrust it (I usually hate
artificial energies messing up the many different ones my systems
have), but go by what your nephew feels about it.
Even if you think it is all crap but he hopes that it will make things
better for him and is convinced of that, as sometimes being convinced
of something, the something might not even be that important, but
positive cortisolchanges might see to more cells in the brain, and
feelings of success and maybe more testosterone to more muscles and
better self-confidence and so on.
With machines in case of doubt sticking the own head into the range of
a machine, best when laready having a headache, might be an easy test
for judging the effets upon oneself.
If it is direct brain-teaching go for it,
and if you do me a favour please tell me about that, then, too,
as here there are not that many experts in that, and I'd love to meet
many more.
If it is to do with meditation it might also be interesting.
However there are some weird energies in which the brain by nature is
not meant to stay for too long, would not overdo it for too many
hours a day.
Unfortunately you write very little about your nephew.
Age? Can he listen, speak, maybe write?
Average and longest concentration span?
Hyperactive, slow and dreamily or off-lining?
Motoric damages?
I really do not know what advice to give you that way.
Having very limited energy perception capacities I sort of vampire
into the systems of consenting victims and use their as a backup.
Never heard of anyone else doing this like that.
But that senses not to be on axon levels, just some subatoimic ranges.
And we usually use sense-enhancers.
The person who taught me first claimed that of a damaged brain all can
be repaired, which I doubted straight. And doubt till this day.
But if it should be important and you foks find out where to stay in
Berlin I guess I could check out how difficult it would be for me to
teach him, Should have at least 7-10 minutes of concentration in a row
for this though, and that with breaks over hours.
If he should be handicapped enough to sector perceive and we'd ever
got far enough, that might become very fascinating for me.
...But personally I believe, once he is about 14-15 ,has a
girl-friend, success, knows what to value to feel content and so on,
then that might be better than such stuff.