Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Floyd Diebel fdiebel at REMOVEME.emrl.com
Sun Sep 20 00:18:18 EST 1998

On Sun, 20 Sep 1998 10:03:26 -0700, Jack Andrews <amiga at primenet.com> wrote:
>winter+spam at jurai.net wrote:
>> In comp.arch Jack Andrews <amiga at primenet.com> wrote:
>> > What about the "Woman of the millenium"?
>> > Talk about a sexist bunch of crap--------->"man of the millenium"
>> Be realistic.  Most of millenial history has been written about and by men.
>> Trying to deny this is silly.

there's certainly no denying that, but this is an interesting statement.
are you saying past errors in documenting history justify excluding
women from the "man of the millenium" discussion? women have made
important contributions to our world as well as men, and excluding them
for the above reason seems short-sighted AT BEST.

>Exactly, that's the problem, "Most of millenial history has been written about and
>by men"
>> If the next thing you are going to say is "What about the 
>> african-amercian man of the millenium." then my reply is:  What about
>> the most influential tyrant of the millenium?

betty crocker?

>What does this mean?

i have no idea either.


fdiebel at boulez.emrl.com
a/v composition and engineering.

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