Budding neurologist

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Sun Sep 20 12:26:26 EST 1998

Long-time readers of this newsgroup, who have seen some of KC Cheng's
mixed messages (some sense, some nonsense) would not recommend this as
a good site for a beginner; in other words, you have to know something
to separate the sense from the nonsense...

In <3603F2C2.460A at postoffice.idirect.com> K C Cheng
<kccheng at postoffice.idirect.com> writes: 
>Goodyboy wrote:
>> =
>> Does anyone know where a 13 year old student could learn neurology
>> neuroscience.I'm really interested in the nervous system and my
>n is
>> to become a great neurologist one day
>> =
>> Thannks
>You can try my webpage below. It's a little difficult there.  But I am
>completing an 8-hour video which is very comprehensible for world wide
>release on Jan 1/1999(for release to Portugal this September on its
>completion). =
>kccheng =BEG=ABa=B8s

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