In article <36035DDB.9AB94789 at>,
Tony Griffiths <tonyg at> wrote:
>Warrl kyree Tale'sedrin wrote:
>> Peter da Silva wrote in alt.memetics:
>> >Leonardo da Vinci is the most likely MotM, politically and socially.
>Hmmm... Not sure L da V had much impact on the political _or_ social
>environment of his time, or even later.
I'm thinking more about the political and social environment of our time,
and how Leonardo's posthumous cult of personality effects the people who
go around picking Men of the Millenium to toss on magazine covers.
An oddball candidate would be Pope Gregory 13, without whom the millenium
would be about half a month later. As it nearly was in Russia.
And of course if your candidate hadn't existed we wouldn't be thinking
about milleniums right now at all. How's the chinese calendar laid out
In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva <peter at>
`-_-' "Har du kramat din varg idag?"
"Tell init(8) to lock-n-load, we're goin' zombie slaying!"