Looking for a room sharer at SfN, Los Angeles

Guy Burkitt grb at dnn.rockefeller.edu
Sat Sep 19 13:10:55 EST 1998

I'm looking for someone to share a room with at the Neuroscience
conference in Los Angeles Nov 7-12th. I have already reserved a room from
the 6th to the 13th Oct but I really need to keep costs down.  If anyone
out there is interested please email or call at my number below. 


Guy R. Burkitt, PhD
The Rockefeller Univ.           Tel: 212 327 7408 
Laboratory of Neurobiology      Fax: 212 327 7671
Box 138, 1230 York Avenue       Email: grb at dna.rockefeller.edu
New York, NY, 10021 

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