Budding neurologist

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Sat Sep 19 10:34:32 EST 1998

Much depends on your present level of development, reading ability,
etc.--also, access to libraries, etc.  For example, although few and
far between, when they appear the articles in _Scientific_American_ are
vey good introductions and reviews for nonspecialists.  There are also
formal programs for mentoring and sponsoring young would-be scientists.
 For example, the Junior Academy of The New York Academy of Sciences. 
I must coonfess, that although I am active in Academy afffairs, I do
not know what opportunities it provides outside the New York City area;
it is, however, an international organization.  It's magazine, _The
Sciences_ also has excellent articles, often on neurocience/neurology
topics.  Check out its website:  www.nyas.org

(Where are you? sg = Sverige?  Sweden has eminent neuroscientists!)

F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group

In <6tve8p$c21$1 at mango.singnet.com.sg> "Goodyboy"
<huren at mbox5.singnet.com.sg> writes: 
>Does anyone know where a 13 year old student could learn neurology or
>neuroscience.I'm really interested in the nervous system and my
ambition is
>to become a great neurologist one day

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