Announcement: Our apology in advance for any cross-posting.
MODSTAT Version 10e1 now does over 220 statistical tests
and routines with no programming involved. Completely
menu driven, the software handles descriptive statistics,
moving averages, mean-square of successive differences,
checks for randomness, does Geometric and Harmonic Mean
calculations, Median and Extension of the Median tests,
Permutations and combinations. The software does ten
different ANOVAs including nested and mixed design, and
three types of Latin Squares. Three types of covariance,
and three types of Bayes' problems. It also handles
Linear, nonlinear, power, log, and exponential regression
as well as polynomial, multiple linear and multiple
curvilinear regression. There is a complete analysis of
residuals. The software performs many non-parametric
tests. Student's t-tests, Zm and Zi tests are done easily
as are comparisons of samples to populations (mean and
proportions). There is no need to look up probability
values since the software reports them. Chi-Square 1-,
2- and 3-way designs are included. The software can
also determine the sample size needed and generates pseudo-
random numbers to help in sample selection. The software
also does many less often used tests, some of which are
the Odds ratio, Yules, Walsh, Lambda, Somer's Omega Squared,
Robinson's 'A', Siegel-Tukey, Jonckheere, the Coefficient
of Alienation and Lilliefor's test for Normalcy.
Confidence intervals are determined where needed and various
distributions, (t- F-, Chi-Square, Normal, Binomial and
Exponential, Poisson, Geometric, Hypergeometric and Multi-
nomial) are included. Too many other tests to mention.
A FREE two-month trial is available. Over 220 tests and
routines. Registration fee is only $22.00, about a dime
a test. Students get a $5.00 discount. The learning curve
is almost flat. There are also two routines to help
determine the proper test to use.
e-mail your request for a free trial along with your
name and complete postal mailing address
to: statware at <A HREF="statware at">statware
at tech</A>
or to statware at <A HREF="statware at">statware at AOL</A>
NOTE: SOME tests, but not all, will accept data from Excel
and other spread sheets if they can export data in ASCII format.
7302 Kim Shelly Court, Suite 3
Mechanicsville, VA 23111