Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Paul Gowder pgowder at law.harvard.edu
Fri Sep 18 18:20:42 EST 1998

in <6tu8hj$6ru$1 at news2.ispnews.com>,  joecosby at padbot.seatac.net (Joe Cosby) did something allowing me to incorporate a very witty verb in this line and produced:
>On 18 Sep 98 11:45:48 GMT, Mentifex wrote about Time Magazine: Man of the
> Millennium:
>> If Art were all that mattered in life, Ludwig van Beethoven an die
>> Freude, but Art is a support function, not the main event in life.
>I beg to differ, philistine.

As do I.  Shakespeare.  Hands down.  


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