Santa Fe Institute Research Opportunities for Young Scholars
The Santa Fe Institute (SFI) is a private, non-profit research and
education institution supporting multidisciplinary collaborations
focusing on the study of complexity and complex adaptive systems. SFI's
broad program of research is aimed at understanding both the common
features of complex systems and at comprehending the enormous diversity
of specific examples. Topics currently under study include evolutionary
scaling in biology and ecology; agent-based modeling and simulation
tools; models of the immune systems, cellular regulation, and other
biological systems; and models of economic, political and social
SFI supports residential and off-campus research opportunities for young
scholars at various career stages.
The Santa Fe Institute is an equal opportunity employer. Women and
minorities are encouraged to apply.
The Santa Fe Institute (SFI) is pleased to announce the inauguration of
the SFI Fellows-at-Large Program. The purpose of the program is to
support the research efforts of young scholars in the area of complex
systems, and to promote the establishment of such research agendas in
the individuals' home institutions.
The program will provide funds for the participants to invite
SFI-affiliated researchers to visit the Fellows' home institutions for
research talks and short-term collaborations. In addition, the Fellows
will be expected to attend two meetings to be held at the SFI (one
meeting at the beginning of their tenure, and one at the conclusion of
their tenure) to interact with each other, with outgoing
Fellows-at-Large, and with SFI visitors and staff. The duration of the
appointment will be one year.
The SFI Fellowships-at-Large will be awarded annually to individuals
who, at the time of application, are no more than five years beyond
their Ph.D. Unusually well-qualified advanced graduate students are also
eligible. Applicants will be expected to provide evidence of their
interest and prior involvement in complex systems research. Alumni of
the Complex Systems Summer School and the Computational Economics
Graduate Workshop are especially encouraged to apply.
The program is limited, at this point, to applicants affiliated with a
U.S. research or academic institution who expect that their
institutional affiliation will not change for the duration of their
Applications for the 1999 Fellows-at-Large Program may be submitted
anytime up through October 1, 1998. They should be directed to 1999
Fellows-at-Large Program, Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa
Fe, New Mexico 87501. Submissions should include a cv, a letter of
recommendation from an individual familiar with the candidate's
research, a two-page statement that outlines the applicant's current
research efforts in the area of complex systems, and a letter of support
from the candidate's department head outlining both the candidate's
qualifications and the department's commitment to the activities
involved in the Fellowship.
If you have further questions regarding the application procedures,
contact Christine Gonzales at 505-984-8800 ext 235 or cg at
Postdoctoral Fellowships in Complex Studies
The Institute's multidisciplinary research program is devoted to the
study of complex systems, especially complex adaptive systems.
Postdoctoral Fellows work either on existing research projects or on
projects of their own choosing.
Postdoctoral Fellowship candidates should have a Ph.D. (or expect to
receive one before September of the appointment year) in the
mathematical, computational, physical, biological or social sciences,
with an academic record of scientific excellence, a demonstrated ability
for independent research, and a strong interest in interdisciplinary
Special consideration will be given to those applicants who propose, as
an integral part of their research at SFI, a specific project involving
experimental work or data collection at locations other than SFI.
Candidates with such interests are requested to submit an outline of the
proposed offsite project, along with a supporting letter from the
organization through which the experiments or data collection is to be
coordinated. Although their primary research site will be SFI,
successful candidates in this category will receive salary and travel
expenses from SFI in support of offsite research.
All applicants should submit a cv, list of publications, statement of
research interests, and arrange for three letters of recommendation.
Non-U.S. applicants are eligible to apply. Successful foreign applicants
would enter the U.S. on either J or, less likely, an H visa.
Steinmetz Fellowship
The Steinmetz Fellowship is an award open only to Complex Systems Summer
School (CSSS) alumni. The award supports a one-month research residency
at the Santa Fe Institute. Its purpose is to provide the opportunity to
the award-winning CSSS student to pursue research projects in complex
systems and to participate in SFI scientific activities. The award will
be made to a participant of each year's School to support residency at
the Institute the subsequent year.
The Fellowship supports travel and living expenses associated with the
SFI residency.
Applications should outline the proposed research project and should
call out how this work relates to the applicant's personal research
interests, to the Santa Fe Institute's scientific agenda, and if
appropriate, to the Summer School experience. Please indicate members
of the SFI research community who know your work and/or who share
compatible interests. Non-U.S. applicants are eligible to apply.
NSF Summer Research Opportunities for Undergraduates
Undergraduate students work with a faculty mentor on an individual
project focusing on some aspect of the computational properties of
complex systems. SFI's broad program of research is aimed at
understanding both the common features of complex systems and at
comprehending the enormous diversity of specific examples. Projects
focus on adaptive computation; on the physics, mathematics, information
science, and computational aspects of complexity; on economics as a
complex, adaptive system; and on the life sciences including modeling of
the immune system, theoretical neurobiology, genetic data analysis,
theoretical ecology, and models of protein folding. This program is
highly individualized. Each student works with one or more faculty
mentors on a specific project focusing on some aspect of the
computational properties of complex systems. The duration of residencies
will vary. Participants are expected to be in residence approximately 10
weeks, within the approximate mid-May to mid-August window. Interns
receive living stipends (from which housing costs are deducted) during
their stay, along with support of round-trip travel expenses (air or
car) from their home institution.
Applicants should submit a current resume and transcript of grades,
along with a statement of current research interests and what
accomplishments are anticipated as a result of the internship.
Mathematical or computational skills or experience (particularly
knowledge of the rudiments of the Unix operating system and/or a
programming language such as C) are favorably considered. Applicants
should submit three letters of recommendation from
scientists/teachers familiar with their work. The National Science
Foundation (NSF) supports this program. Per NSF guidelines, this
program is open to US citizens and permanent residents only. Eligible
candidates must be enrolled at a degree-granting institution as an
undergraduate student. Graduating seniors are not eligible for this
All applications must be sent by postal mail and should include an email
address and/or fax number. Only complete applications, including all
reference letters, will be considered. Applications must be postmarked
no later than indicated deadline. Direct applications to Christine C.
Gonzales Santa Fe Institute 1399 Hyde Park Road Santa Fe, New Mexico
87501. Indicate on the lower left hand corner of the envelope the
program to which you are applying.
If you have specific questions, please direct them to Christine
Gonzales. Telephone: (505) 984-8800 ext. 235 Fax: (505) 982-0565 email:
cg at