1.SYS:> cd ram:
1.RAM DISK:> newshell
New Shell process 2
2.RAM DISK:> df1:DU
plea copy
1.RAM DISK:> rename plea man18sep98
1.RAM DISK:> Ed man18sep98
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ Syntax Strings Together a Thought /^^^^^^^^^^^\
/visual memory\ ________ semantic / auditory \
| /--------|-------\ / syntax \ memory |episodic memory|
| | recog-|nition | \________/------------|-------------\ |
| ___|___ | | |flush-vector | _______ | |
| /image \ | __|__ / \ _______ | /stored \ | |
| / percept \ | / \/ \/ Verbs \------|--/ phonemes\| |
| \ engrams /---|---/ Nouns \ \_______/ | \ of words/ |
| \_______/ | \_______/-------------------|---\_______/ |
Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium (The Envelope, Please!)
Let's do a little process of elimination here, shall we, netters?
Preggers is la pregunta for Time, The Weekly News Magazine. It's
gratters to you if you are still alive and about to be un-covered
and on-covered as the Time Magazine Man of the Millennium Y1K-Y2K.
The only plausible still-alive candidate seems to be Jimmy Carter,
given that Alexander Dubcek has been run off the road, but JEC III
must forfeit the Call of History for calling tobacco a legit crop.
Eliminandae sunt feminae in this millennium, but maybe, Jean D'Arc,
next time around and maybe masculinity has had its last good 1000.
If Art were all that mattered in life, Ludwig van Beethoven an die
Freude, but Art is a support function, not the main event in life.
Should it be a man of action or a man of ideas, a Napoleon or your
scheming skullduggering Metternich? The "Encyclopedia Cybernetica"
at shows us
the choice we face in life between "vita contemplativa" or "activa,"
between thinking or acting. A man of action is more an expression
of his times than a "primum movens," a prime mover of civilization.
Attractive as the men of action are to our dreams and our fantasy,
methinks the thinkers outclass the brute forces of war and peace.
Thomas Jefferson was proposed a few years ago by what's-his-name,
the New York Times columnist, but the slave-keeper of Monticello
is too camp and I wouldn't bet a nickel on his likeness for Time.
Oliver Sparrow can attest, and history will record, that in 1950
Time Magazine aptly chose World-War-Two-winning Winston Churchill
as The Man of the Half Century, but not: "A Man for All Siecles."
Should it be a man who died alone and obscure in a New York hotel
room, the Jesuit tour-de-force thinker and paleontologist philo-
sopher Teilhard de Chardin? Look what they've done to his song
at --
Frank Tipler's ("The Physics of Immmortality" Doubleday 1994)
Omega Point Theory based on the noosphere ideas of de Chardin.
Human history and cyborg futurity have only barely begun to
deal with the freakish outlandish Jesus Christ superstar ideas
of Teilhard de Chardin, so ... who are the other candidates?
Der Umschlag enthaelt 1844-1900 Friedrich Nietzsche, Uebermensch!