At 03:46 17/09/98 -0700, you wrote:
> Who can tell me something in detail about the chick embryo development?
>For example:
> How many stages are there during the embryo days?
> What happens during every development stage?
> When does sensery neuron of spinal cord begin to appear?
> When does motor neuron of spinal cord begin to appear?
> What influence happens between sensery neuron and motor neuron during
>> Are there any papers or books that describe the chick embryo
> If someone can told me all of these with E-mail,it will be the best.
Well you don't want much do you?
I see from your sig that you are in USA (somewhere) this infers that
you have all those things (libraries/medline searching capacity/access to a
bookshop) that some of our friends in developing countries do not have.
So go and use them...why don't you try a medline search...especially on the
motor vs. sensory questions....or even find a've got
opportunities, go out and exploit them
oh, while you're at the library, try Hamburger and Hamilton (1951) J.
Morphology 49-92 for a detailed and very useful staged series of chicken