Mon, 14 Sep 1998 21:53:59 -0700 (PDT)
Norman Teisan <nteisan at> add to address book
norms letter
To: all researchers in all fields
This is an old letter;Still looking for discussion, directions,
etc. In regards to my neurological experience.I am a 47 y.o.male living
in california.I have been a neurological groupie since the remarkable
60s'-70s',28 years of gathering concretes of phenomena.I've attended six
different universities since 1970. Now the 90's, the decade of the
brain.Psychologically-the neuronal basis of behavior is still my
major. It may be
too late for me but all data clinically gathered of my tissue processors
is priceless for the kids. A case in point: I have a doctor friend who
stroked /left-sided /that missed a drug called TPA by one month
.According to the good doctor,the neural neighborhoods of stroke
victims in the infarct areas are salvaged thus perfusing tissues; A
savings of useable real estate - better prognosis! My hope is to
connect with an institute,doctor,clinician to prevent the good doctors
dilemma in myself. The gist of the letter to follow is to prevent the
good doctors dilemma in myself am open to all leads now available
and been attending lectures at Salk institute since 1991.Please, the
symptoms listed below are real and precipitated of me in response to
my environs! It has literally blown my mind as to how much power a
can command and communicate in time-mass-space.
I feel/believe that my 12 cranial nerves and entire cord have been
abused to
lesion. I received a cat scan in 97". And am presently awaiting a
second diagonostic measure? Hopefully from the nuclear medicine people
that receive this correspondence
neurologist in town finds nothing as yet. I felt I hadn,t gone to mass
or neoplasmed as yet and doubt the CT scans results. Francis crick
told me the technology around the corner. I
feel "rips"and"pockets";"heat"and "tingles", off and on now for the last
few years.Please bear with the following, although I've paid
nomenclature we of neurology communicate is not a universal language
as yet and is half the problem. I am going to
try: .Med Hx; But first A definition:.Metaphysics=Spirituality= pure
energy as
realized in tissue both my tissue and ours -We the peoples. The
energies converted by me, of us, Is enjoyed first
behind my nose. The opiate receptor sites. I'm on a natural high
almost constantly. When I am with others and maintain a certain simlple
attitude. Is This why Johnny can,t read? In Horace manns classroom
circus called education? I can communicate the "opiate of the masses"
to all, they love
it. Once their unconscious finds me they want it non-stop. Karl
Lashley.s rats! Its taken me 12
years to learn the abrahams-Thatch squirt. The expression
"pressin-dents" has revealed to
me what history meant by the Father of our country! George
chopping-down-cherry-trees-Washington. Its roots for I have no choice
the matter any more, Im fused to the masses. MY symptoms to date
effect the assoc. cortex to my dentate, the vermis. I approximately 3
to 4 times a week
have a spot of the left associative cortex that rip. Id love to
talk with someone re: brocas brain,including both frontal eyes. The
pressures are in a constant state of flux accompanied by dull aches;
My awareness of pressure is intraoccular also. Feels like the retinal
beds definitely of the vitreous humor. My trespasses are from left to
right all the way across
rolondo.Both frontal eyes ache daily. My proximal-medial- left
calcarine fissure
locks-up at vision-1 bi-laterally. I literally feel it knot-up. There
is a pocket on the right near primary
hearing that forces me to tilt my head and sometimes apparently my
semicircular canals do compensate, Other times the t.v. "feels" and
adjusts it,
or a niece or nephew will many times in most remarkable fashion; Almost
as if they suffer similarly? Fix me-eg."Hey uncle Norm"-I attend; For we
really do not know the etiology of all neurological neoplasms. And many
times the golf ball size cranial cramp disipates. Timely buses, trucks
and loud garbage trucks restore me also. Apparently the 8th cranial
nerve amongst the group by proxy affixes to the consciousness most
"realized" in real time. Its the underlying rhythm-of-the-universe.
One heart, etc. My retinal attachments
bi-laterally, also ache at the cilliary ganglias foveal
attachments. An intraoccular pressure. It depends on what, where, how
many people present, and how I look at the mass en mass! This is not
naturally taught in the material world ;But to be forced by the laws
in physics to buy and sell others mass", in-the-Round" ? Whats up? The
Greeks called it theater, the Aztecs call it politics, The tort laws
in England forbade it. And in my countries history, the civil war
manifest the"consciousness precursors" for the next 100 years. As now
realized of our Cox cable TV driven living rooms. God only knows what
the electromagnetic fields do to the young-the medullablastomics-the
robot aged seniors, including " Copy cat" crimes. Headache! .
what manifest
ears usually win out, demanding my attention. Briefly for those
listening; If I synchronize my ears with a visual counterpart-I'm high
on opiates again. "Natilie Wood" they call it sometimes. Everybody
poolside are in rapture; A
heaven-on-earth. I literally change or "speed them on to their next
event" an exacting joy. The network of 7 years,I presently enjoy, is
at its height in Santee California: Shouldn't be missed if your in our
area. I'm presently exhausted, spent; And from what I
understand stuck! Henri Bergson of France experienced this with
trepidation as have I. I believe were shrinking the kids. Theyll
need drugs. Both Tim Leary and Bill Wilson told us kids. The
aforementioned symptoms are ballpark items in a
reality I'm paying for today. William James calls me "god conscious"! So
conscious that for me TV nor film- in the theater- no longer exist for
me today in fact since 1991
without my sensory Effects! A crime to me. We of neurology presently
are looking -for the brains-nocioceptors abilities cereberally.
Phineas T. Gage has destroyed many of the more opened minded of some
intellectually, any way .My experience of brain tissue/nocioception is
my brains! With proper diagnostics I could help solve many
misunderstandings. Thus far science says I am not
supposed to perceive the cognitive processors would love to
prove to neurology/ site specific phenomena while I'm still rapt!
Currently I am whats known as FAT![ E="me"(times) neurologically-
processed- lightenergy]. I have
checked, most people if any do not admit feeling the brain processing.
Well, practice and time have
revealed a remarkable anterior cingulate/dentate gyrus of my self
that has been
and, hopefully to be, recorded .A functional-mri, gamma knife surgery,
123 lead EEGs worn for however long, I met a doctor{ Ph.D.} who uses
two daus computers running simultaneously to do fancy lie detecting
not tissue function we of neurology
require for nuclei mapping. The Doppler-ultra sound stuff for
perfusablities. Im way willing. Don't really
care what techniques are used.Chemicals! whatever.please respond, all
inquires are
cherished. I'll travel any where necessary for clinical
participations. P.S. bottom line/it's a joy working for "Our father" if
you will; The speed freak junkie he and all his kids are. I have been
amazed beyond your wildest dreams and experiences. I was told in 1986
this full-time-job
for me was comming. Some fellow travlers, if you will, told me! Took
me 13years of spiritual discipline. Poor Frederick Nietzsche was lost
to this. The unified fields that flux me and you of every room I
enter-for me, has proven; That we of added channels of consciousness
apparently have fused societies over the ages . Do not know yet how we
are chosen. Us 1951 spock-truman-dewy kids are being drug by this
consciousness train; Our children will not be ignorant !! OF this
phenomena any longer. This in regards to A technology, that for the
first time ever is approaching a
speed of light consciousness understanding tissue-wise. The collect
that got that FDR. Ronald Reaguns, JFK, the air traffic controllers in
1990s and I wish we could do something with COX catv technology as
expressed in my living room. The
attorney general of my country in 1968 June 5th, RFKs bullet hole
pictured in that months life mag. Its exact location Express what to
you? Sir hand-Sir hand? Also got James Brady. Ernst Mach was reduced
on a train in
Germany. This list for me goes on and on .Was Einstein and Palo alto
blowing in the white house wind ALA FDAs stroke in 1944. The dates
along with the
neurologically concise locations of where he[WE] were at that exact
moment. Look at the three shots JFK received in Dallas. Bad idea
telling a Texan on Nov. the 22nd in 1964 that we the people are going
to expect half of all he produces energy-wise for energy=sex =money
"Collective! good luck. Its Amazing the "unconscious collected "!the
Japanese say God-zilla. The carnage Ive seen In my life time has
shown me a"collective"
template us baby boomers must address for the next generation. All the
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder children, all
stammerers, stutterers, aphasics, dyslexics, alcoholics, drug
addicts, etc, along with a new one alzshiemers, plane crashes and
second-handered car accidents will now and forever be a conscious part
of our "conscious" process. Technology, time and tissue have come
together none
too soon for me. In closing. "Having accessed a power greater than
myself" I have become a piece of that power, Too much at ground zero
milleniac, please advise; All diagnostics; chemicals; chat-lines; fellow
travelers experiences.....too much mass that moves and expects warm
fuzzies from me all day!!! once the holy ghosts, or the national guard
as bush calls them, finds out that I "we" can recover they love
the high. To be in a festingered dissonance/panic attached mode and
then to have us recover for them till they can Learn and do it for the
next generation Its indescribable to watch our Men ,woman , and
children survive their dark moments with us to live-complete again? My
experience like
Nietzsche, Wittgenstien, Kant, most certainly Weber! Henry Davids
Throeau, and bill Clintons-oils too. Our conscious process is always
right there on the edge! What and where does a man do? Fused to
everybody, of every second, everyday, everywhere he is?
nteisan at to win in San Diego California !!!
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