The World is in the Eye

Mentifex mentifex at scn.org
Wed Sep 16 11:03:37 EST 1998

Carsten Agger <agger at faklen.dk> on Wed 16 Sep 1998 wrote:

> What is the relation between the physiology of vision and the         
> world we see? Is what we see a one-to-one representation of
> the world as it "really is", or is it rather true that our
> visual world is "created" by the physiological processes,
> so that "The World is in the Eye":

> An article on the physiology of vision, "The Binding Problem",
> paradoxes and several philosophical implications may be found at

>        http://www.faklen.dk/en/the_torch/eye.shtml

> and might be of interest to all who would like to know about the subject.
  [...] [ http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/ The Cyborg Syllabus
  The above cited article speaks authoritatively about pathways
  of information-flow among Laminae of the neocortex.  Readers,
  please be advised that the implementation of vision in man or
  machine takes us to the brink of mentation but not to the core:

  Hearing    Vision    Concepts Volition Emotion   Motor Output
 /iiiiiii\  /!i!i!i!\                             /YYYYYYYYYYYY\
| ||||||| || ||||||| |   T      The              | |||||||||||| |
| ||||||| || | ___ | |   +      Core             | |||||||||||| |
| ||||||| ||  /old\  |   +      of               | |S|||||||||| |
| ||||||| || (image)-|---+_     the              | |H|||||||||| |
| ||||||| ||  \___/  |  /  \    Mind             | |A|||||||||| |
| ||||||| ||         | (idea)               __   | |K|||||||||| |
| | ||||| ||         |  \__/---------------/  \  | |E|||R|||||| |
| |d------||---------|---+        ____    (fear)-|--*|||U|||||| |
| ||||o|| ||  _____  |   +-------/    \----\__/  | |||||N|||P|| |
| ||g|||| || / re- \-|---+      / de-  \---------|------*|||E|| |
| || |||| ||/entrant\|   +     (  ci-   )        | |||||||||T|| |
| ||||||| ||\ image /|   +      \ sion /---------|----------*|| |
| ||||||| || \_____/ |   +       \____/          | |||||||||||| |
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